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Get ready to taste and travel the Philippines through its 3,000 sq meter gallery of gigantic modern art installations.


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Google Reviews

291 reviews
  • Genevieve Amador
    Genevieve Amador
    a month ago

    2 hours of photo oops? why not! The artwork/display is amazing! Kudos to the pinoy artists who contributed to the place! The staff’s very friendly, polite and patient - giving us info and taking our photos :)

  • Vita Dolce La
    Vita Dolce La
    10 months ago

    It’s a wonderful place to hangout with friends in a rainy day. So many kinds of food topics were decorated for different space. They even prepared a short dancing show and invited guests to dance with them. We’re going there during the regular holiday but there are not many people. Definitely one of fancy and interesting museum in Manila.

  • Jared Miguel
    Jared Miguel
    5 months ago

    This place is amazing and bright. Tons of amazing props and stuffs to interact with. I love how the theme of the museum changes every month, we visited the museum with the theme of street foods and overall filipino culture. I'll be sure to look forward whats the theme for the next time and be sure returning again.The staff's enthusiasm and knowledge about the diverse Filipino dishes and cultural nuances further enriched the experience. They were more than willing to share insights, turning the visit into an educational and immersive adventure.Whether you're a foodie seeking a feast for the eyes or someone eager to learn more about Filipino culinary traditions, this entertainment place offers a dynamic and ever-evolving experience that captures the essence of the Philippines' rich food culture.Each visit promises a new and exciting encounter with the flavors, traditions, and creativity that make Filipino cuisine truly extraordinary.

  • Corinne
    a year ago

    It was a great experience. There are a lot of activities they offer like cooking selected Filipino delicacies, making art, etc. They have great customer service and make an effort to interact with shy kids. Although super young kids like three years old might not be old enough to enjoy the place based on our experience with my cousin. However, my grandma really enjoyed the tour the most. Overall, the experience is worth the money. I recommend bringing a good phone or camera to take your photos because they don't have an in-house photographer during our tour.

  • Phillip Reich
    Phillip Reich
    7 months ago

    Very overhyped online via good marketing. Hard to learn about the culture with no meaningful teaching. Also there is virtually no food to taste unless you want to buy it on top of the entry fee which is very high! The staff do a great job but the exhibit is tired and leaves a lot to be desired.

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