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Demonstration: Gurutto Manila Directory Website Checklist Dashboard

The following are the demonstration and checklist of Gurutto Manila Directory Website Content.

  • Dashboard: The “Dashboard” Section includes Active Listing, Total Views, Total Reviews, Times Bookmarks, Recent Activities, Listing Packages, and Listings Views.
  • My Bookings: The “My Bookings” Section includes:
  1. Booking History: A list or overview of the user’s past bookings.
  2. Upcoming Bookings: Information about any upcoming bookings or reservations, providing details on the date, time, and location of the scheduled events or services.
  3. Booking Details: Specific information about each booking, including the name of the service, product, or event booked, along with any associated costs or fees.
  4. Booking Status: The current status of each booking, whether it’s confirmed, pending, or canceled.
  • Messages: The “Messages” Sections includes:
  1. Customer Inquiries: Receive and respond to messages or inquiries from potential customers through the directory platform.
  2. Notifications: Stay informed about updates, new reviews, or important announcements.
  • Booking: The “Booking” Section includes:
  1. Booking Information: The list of overall booking status such as pending, approved, cancelled, and expired booking.
  2. Calendar: The calendar view of overall booking status such as pending, approved, cancelled, and expired booking.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Artboard-4-1024x455.png
  • Wallet: The “Wallet” Section includes:
  1. Balance Overview: An overview of the user’s current balance or available funds in their digital wallet.
  2. Transaction History: A detailed list of all transactions related to the user’s wallet, including deposits, withdrawals, purchases, and any other financial activities.
  3. Payment Method: If applicable, a feature that allows users to withdraw funds from their wallet.
  • Add Listing: The “Add Listing” Section includes:
  1. Choose your Package
  2. Purchase New Package
  3. Submit Listing: Click “Submit Listing” to start adding list on directory website.

This section where all individuals or business will encode or list their company category such as café, restaurant, nightlife, KTV, and etc..

  • My Listings: The “My Listings” Section includes:
  1. Active Listings: Listings that have been approved and are currently visible on the site.
  2. Pending Listings: Refers to listings that have been submitted by users but are awaiting approval or verification from the website administrator before being published on the site.
  3. Expired Listings: Refers to listings that were once active but have reached the end of their validity period or have been deactivated for other reasons.
  • Statistics: The “Statistics” Section includes:
  1. Performance Metrics: Track the performance of your business listing, including views, clicks, and other engagement metrics.
  2. Audience Demographics: Understand the demographics of users interacting with your listing.
  • Reviews: The “Reviews” Section includes:
  1. Customer Reviews: Monitor and respond to customer reviews submitted on the directory.
  2. Rating Overviews: View an overall rating based on customer feedback.
  • Bookmarks: The “Bookmarks” Section includes:
  1. Saved Listings: A list of the users saved or bookmarked listings.
  2. Add to Bookmarks: Buttons or icons across the website that allow users to quickly add a listing to their bookmarks.
  3. Remove from Bookmarks: The ability to remove a listing from bookmarks if the user no longer wishes to save it.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Artboard-19-1024x455.png
  • My Profile: The “My Profile: Section includes:
  1. Business Information: View and edit details such as business name, address, phone number, website, hours of operation, and categories.
  2. Logo and Photos: Upload or manage business logos and images to enhance the visual appeal of the listing

After editing all the information provided, just click “Save Changes” and “Log Out” button to end current session securely.

Y. Suzuki Nihongo Learning Center Inc.

Batch 50

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