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A touch of modern luxury for smart travellers, high-spirited staycationers and uptown jet-setters.


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Google Reviews

1,942 reviews
  • Vegito Black
    Vegito Black
    a week ago

    Entirety of my week stay they never had french fries and the WiFi would come and go throughout the building even after an IT rep came to the room and said it was an ISP issue.

  • Daday - The Random Ilongga

    “Good place for a short stay” 1. Good Size Deluxe Room - Spacious and the balcony is on the Japan Embassy side. Not much to see but the traffic on the Roxas Blvd somehow made me a bit nostalgic 🤣 2. Staff are genuinely nice and accommodating. 3. The reception took their time checking us out.. Oh my goodness, that gave me a bit of uncomfortable feeling. 4. The Deposit…. 3000 pesos per room , per night…. oh my goodness.. not all hotels do this kind of thing anymore.. This policy should be abolished. There are a lot of ways to make their hotel more progressive , than a 3k pesos deposit.. 5. The lampshades .. soo much and alot.. my goodness, just think if you have kids that runs around the room, simply just being kids and ACCIDENTALLY run it down, who will be charged?? The guest?? Goodbye 75k for 1 lampshade??? Kidding aside., yun talaga ang worry ko during our stay. 6. No swimming pool.. will be good if there’s a swimming pool..Over all the place is good for a short stay..

  • K R L
    K R L
    4 months ago

    On two occasions, the hair dryer experienced explosive malfunctions, causing considerable distress to my daughter and myself. The second occurrence was particularly disruptive, as it generated a pronounced noise that even drew the attention of engineering staff in the hallway. Understandably, this prompted a fearful reaction from both my daughter and myself, significantly detracting from our ability to enjoy a restful Christmas Eve. The unsettling nature of these events has left me deeply concerned about the potential for fire hazards or other safety risks while we are asleep. Our ability to rest was severely compromised by our overwhelming sense of fear. This situation has been far from the peaceful holiday experience we had hoped for, and I am greatly dissatisfied with the circumstances.I chose to celebrate Christmas at your hotel along with my extended family, with the expectation of a truly wonderful and unforgettable experience. However, I found myself unable to fully enjoy the occasion due to discomfort and a lack of sleep stemming from fear. This circumstance not only impacted my well-being but as well as my daughter’s also resulted in a compromised ability to rest peacefully. As a result, I faced the prospect of driving the following day while experiencing sleep deprivation, a situation that should not have arisen on what was meant to be a joyous Christmas Eve and a Christmas Day.While I must emphasize the kindness and approachability of the engineering staff, regrettably, the engineering staff was not able to disconnect the hair dryer so as to eliminate the appliance from a repeated explosion. The unsuccessful disconnection of hair dryer is the reason of our worries and fear. That it may cause fire or any safety concerns.

  • Jaymee Dizon
    Jaymee Dizon
    5 months ago

    Came here for my mother's business endeavor and did not book a room. Event was held at Midas Tent, which is very spacious. Food and drinks were nice. Service is great!

  • M Maguad
    M Maguad
    a month ago

    Expensive for an old, dirty hotel.The lobby looks fancy but room furniture, beddings and finishings are old and substandard. The carpets are dirty. The bed is not comfortable.

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Batch 50

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